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Adventures of the  Rescued Axolotls


The adventures of four axolotls, Nina, Nellie, Penny and Norris.

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Four Axolotls.

Hi there!


My name is Emily, I am the owner of four axolotls.


The first is Nina, she is a mosaic axolotl. Mosaicism happens due to a mutation once the embryo has formed. This is a random event that occurs in any pairing of axolotls. She appears to be a wildtype with golden aspects. I've had Nina approximately 2 years now, I obtained her from a couple who'd rescued her from a college who kept her on gravel, with Norris, my leucistic axolotl. The couple told me she passed a lot of gravel, however even after a year with me, she still had a very weird shaped stomach. A few weeks ago she passed a pebble the size of her head! I'm amazed it didn't kill her, but I'm so glad it's out. She's a very bossy axolotl, eats the most and likes to be in charge. She is around 9 inches long. She is one of those axolotls who likes to enjoy swallowing air and floating about.

My second axolotl is Norris. He came to me with Nina, except he came to me all skin and bones. Since having him, he's put on a lot of weight, grown in length, recovered his gills and is now the father of hundreds of eggs! He is everyone's favourite axolotl, everyone just loves him and his awkward face. He has been with me approximately 2 years. He is around 10 inches.

My third axolotl is Penny, who turned out to be male. He is a copper axolotl, a fairly dark one. Coppers are more 'unusual' than your standard colours like leucistic, wildtype and melanoid. He is a small male, only around 6 and a half inches long. He likes to swim about and doesn't sit still much. He is about a year and a half old. 

My most recent addition to my gang is Nellie, a female wildtype axolotl I bought from a breeder as I fell in love with her. She's a chunky monkey and she's very friendly, liking nothing more than having a swim around with Penny. She has had one clutch of eggs. I'm unsure of her age and she's around 7 and a half inches long.

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